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Safety Australia Group Consultants can create prioritised action plans to assist in your businesses compliance journey.
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Contractor management can be a very challenging area for organisations to manage and your obligations under Health and Safety legislation are not absolved because you have engaged the services of a contractor.
It is important that contractors have a clear understanding of what is required while on site at your workplace and that they have their own robust safety policy and safety procedures in place.
If your organisation engages contractors or sub-contractors, contractor risk management should be integrated into your safety management system. A safety induction which is relevant to the site should be completed before commencing work. The complexity of the contractor management process will depend on how a contractor is engaged, the type of work, where and under what circumstances the work is being conducted.
One of our workplace health & safety consultants with experience in your particular industry will work with you to develop a contractor management program that demonstrates due diligence and gives you a practical tool to systematically manage contractors.
If you already have a contractor management process in place, we can do a gap analysis to ensure your current safety policy and safety procedures are up to date with current Health and Safety legislation.
Our contractor management safety services include:
- Review the current contractor safety management process and make recommendations
- Development of a contractor safety management program for your business including safety policy, safety procedures, safety checklists, safety induction and/or safety training
- Mentoring and training program to manage contractor safety
For more information on managing contractor safety please call 1300 585 128 or submit your online enquiry using our form and we will give you a call back.